Simple Service turns into money Saving excercise
Our engineer attended site to investigate a potential issue with the inverter, the customer thought that the motor it was supplying had burnt out premature , after investigation it was soon discovered the Mitsubishi Electric – Automation Systems UK inverter was functioning correctly.
We evaluated the parameters as part of our service and discovered there the drive had been set up incorrectly for the application. After correcting these, we obtained an the current dropped from 17.8A to 16.4A 8% saving.
As the Motor is run 24 hours a day 7 Days a week all year around, the customer should see savings of approximately £2,000 per year (assuming 25P per unit). While on site our engineer recommended to install a closed loop system to further reduce costs.
With our years of experience and extensive knowledge in variable speed drives (VSDs) and also being part of the Drive Solutions Centre programme we come across this regularly, and find it very frustrating for our customers that they are not obtaining maximum efficiency of their systems.
If you would like to potentially save significant costs within your system then get in touch today.

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